Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not another New Year's Resolution Post

Instead, a look back. Sophie 12.19.09 Kristin Burns

Now not to get all mushy Christmas Letter, but 2009 was quite a year. I'm going to post my January goals in another post, but first a look back at the end of the aughts.

Luckily it's a mostly positive look back. I came through the first full year of motherhood relatively unscathed. We have a fabulous sitter that gave us a breather from the early days of relying solely on ourselves and our family. I loved most of my freelance photo editing jobs, including a wonderful 6 months at Reader's Digest. And most of all, my used-to-be-a-hobby baby photos turned into a business that let me balance it all while doing something creative and genuinely fun.

If I had a word for 2009 it would have to be "Yes." Join in an art fair? Take photos of a birthday party? A strings recital? Kids with Santa? Sure, why not?

It wasn't all hunky dory. I had one office gig that drove me to tears. Luckily (?) that ended when their funding ran out for me. I learned about it on what would be my last day in a meeting in front of 20 people who thought I already knew. P-p-p-p-pokerface, thank god!

Still, that brief project was at least well-paid and easily forgettable. I met so many amazing families through my photo work. I feel much more connected to our neighborhood. Our friendships - especially with my daughter's friends' families - are stronger. Our families expanded and got closer as the next generation spiced things up. My husband somehow managed to handle school/home/marriage/fatherhood and we actually got out on our own a bit more. And my daghter changed from a baby into a VERY independant toddler.Walking, talking, dancing, laughing, kissing - I can't count all the "firsts" 2009 brought us.

Still I'm excited to move on to 2010.

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