Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December goals & review of bizarre November

Hmm, where to find a skating dress? - Kristin Burns

Hooray! November is over & December is finally here. Peppermint lattes, gift shopping and Baby It's Cold Outside on repeat. Plus it's time to post my goals on Modish Biz Tips for a brand spanking new month.

First a look back at my November goals:
1. Pick new local business to host Mini-sessions - done, shoot at Claret 12/19
2. Schedule Boston shoot for early December - didn't happen due to more NYC bookings, considering Boxing Day though
3. Autism photo shoot - moved to 12/8
4. Compile email mailing list - not really, mainly using Facebook & Twitter
5. Spread word about holiday cards - done 
6. Seek out more photo editing and producing work- technically yes, I did seek

I'll say it, November was kinda weird. I've never had more interest in my photography and yet experienced my first drop in photo shoots and orders. Luckily December is already almost completely booked with shoots and I hope more and more photo print orders. I'm looking forward to a few days of mini-sessions where I can meet even more new families.

On to December!

1. Really enjoy the holiday season with my friends and family
2. Have fun at the chaotic, busy but rewarding days of shoots - be they in-home, mini-sessions or, gasp, Santa
3. Purchase/order/make thoughtful gifts for my favorite people
4. Taxes!
5. Reach out to people I admire for more support & ideas

Wishing everyone reading this a lovely & peaceful holiday season and a productive New Year!


  1. Conundrums in life can be so bizarre, can't they, but yay on all the interest in your work, that's great. Have a wonderful December and a great new year!

  2. You know, this is the first mention of taxes in the 6 monthly goal meetup blogs I've read today. I know I'll be calling in exempt due to the complete lack of sales for the entire year.

  3. It takes a special person to photograph children, never mind babies. You do great work. Good luck meeting your goals.

  4. Good luck for december! your #4 has been my nemesis, i never want to work on them! lol - hope you have a great holiday season & december !
