Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday fun: Obama Babies

President Barack Obama lifts up a baby during his visit with U.S. Embassy staff and their families in Prague, April 4, 2009. Photo: Pete Souza

It's been just over a year since Barack Obama was elected. And like politicians before (and after) him, he was often photographed kissing babies. But whether it was his youthful campaign, his loving young family or the excitement of electing the first black president - Obama and babies made a winning team.

Taking our new baby to the polling station

Inauguration Day

Of course, some suspected there would be a post-Inauguration Day baby boom. I'm one of those crazies who hope the boom extends to the Obama family. How amazing would Sasha & Malia be with a cute baby sibling?

But the big question is - who would babies vote for if given the chance? 

Hooray for the first year!

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